All the information you need for booking your exam or assessment
We assess our candidates in different ways according to the qualification. You may be asked to:
take a Pearson VUE electronic exam
sit a session-based exam
submit coursework or
undergo a combination of assessments.
You'll find the assessment information you need on the relevant qualification page and, once you've registered, in your MyLIBF account.
Depending on your qualification, you may sit an exam at a test centre or via remote invigilation at home.
For all on-demand multiple choice Pearson VUE exams – either with remote invigilation through OnVue, or at a Pearson VUE centre – you’ll have to:
book your exam directly with Pearson VUE
wait at least two hours after registering before booking your exam, so that Pearson VUE’s system can update with your details.
We recommend booking at least two months before your registration expires.
For all session-based exams on Brightspace – your exam will be delivered via our platform Brightspace, which is where you access your course materials. The date of your exam is on your MyLIBF and will be automatically scheduled for you.
Before starting your exam, you will be expected to pick up your laptop/webcam to do a full 360-degree scan of your testing space. You must therefore ensure that your equipment is in full working order and can be easily manoeuvred.
For all session-based exams with Pearson VUE – you’ll find the date of your session-based exam in your MyLIBF. You can choose whether to take your exam remotely or at a test centre. You’ll have to:
book your test centre directly with Pearson VUE for the specified exam date and time for your study session or
contact us to book a remote invigilation exam. We will let you when you are able to do this.
Expand these sections to find out more about booking and sitting your on-demand multiple choice Pearson Vue exam
Expand the sections below to find out more information on your session-based exam
Expand the sections below to find out more information on your assessments
Questions about our professional qualifications?
If you have any questions about our professional qualifications in finance and banking, please contact our customer services team.
Our professional qualification customer services office is open:
Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm UK time.