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Digital banking Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance refers to the way in which an organisation is governed to achieve its vision and objectives. This covers every area of the business, including environmental awareness, corporate strategy, and resource management. The basic principles of corporate governance are accountability, transparency, fairness, responsibility, and risk management.

The way in which banks are governed differs considerably from non-financial organisations – mainly due to the complexities of banking operations. If you’re serious about a career in the banking industry, then it’s essential that you have a firm understanding of corporate governance and the importance of robust risk management strategies.

Who can study this programme?

Corporate Governance is a short, interactive course open to those who:

  • currently work in a bank or financial institution

  • are interested in getting into a risk related role

  • are looking to increasing their knowledge of risk.

As this is an entry-level course it will teach you the fundamentals of operational risk.

Key information


  • £155

Study duration

  • Five hours – but you have up to six months from registration to complete

  • Everything is online, so you can study at a pace that suits you


  • Four modules

Your studies will cover

  • Introduction to corporate governance

  • Governance reporting, ethics, and compliance

  • Managing stakeholders and risk appetite

  • Policy implementation and revision

Your programme in a glance


As you work through the course you’ll do different activities, with diagrams, videos, and quizzes to support your learning.

Each unit can be studied in less than two hours and there is a short quiz at the end of each topic to test your learning. You can also go back and review topics if you need extra support.

Digital Certificate

After you’ve completed the short course, you will receive a digital certificate of completion.

Module information

Why study this course?

Banks are commercial entities and the general principles of corporate governance apply to them just as they would to any other company. An important aspect of this is how managers reflect the risk appetite of stakeholders. Corporate governance involves establishing and assessing the risk tolerance of the organisation and establishing appropriate policies and practices to ensure the risk being taken does not exceed this tolerance.

In addition to this, good corporate governance should promote fairness, transparency and accountability. It should also:

  • establish a system for monitoring and reporting performance, both internally and externally (eg to regulators, shareholders and other stakeholders, including the general public)

  • help the bank comply, and demonstrate compliance, with relevant laws and regulations

  • ensure that the bank operates within its established risk limits and maintains a robust risk management system.

A global recognition for the need of regulation and guidance on corporate governance has developed over recent years, partially due to a continuing stream of corporate scandals that have resulted in the collapse of major international companies (both financial and non-financial). Companies are therefore increasingly subject to regulations aimed at establishing corporate governance and reporting standards.

As such, there is a demand for banking professionals who understand the corporate governance landscape and how each strategic decision must be made within a robust risk management framework.

What you'll learn?

The term corporate governance covers the overall framework of authority and accountability for decision-making. Risk governance is the oversight process under which risk management operates.

As this is an entry-level course it will teach you the fundamentals of operational risk. It will introduce you to concepts including corporate governance legislation, procedures, best practice, and reporting. It will also help you review banks’ key stakeholders, risk appetite and evaluation of compliance.

Corporate Governance is a short, interactive course open to those who:

  • currently work in a bank or financial institution

  • are interested in getting into a risk related role

  • are looking to increasing their knowledge of risk.


To register for Corporate Governance please complete our registration form.

You can also call our Customer Services team on +44 (0) 1227 818 609 or talk to them on live chat.

Corporate bookings

If you are a company and want to register a cohort of students onto Corporate Governance please email corporate@libf.ac.uk for further information.



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