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Continuing professional development (CPD) Online structured CPD

We offer an online structured CPD programme that will be of value to any financial professional involved in the distribution of retail investment products and/or pension transfer business who is looking to keep their knowledge up-to-date and demonstrate a commitment to on-going development.

It’s particularly useful to FCA registered retail investment advisers who can use it to fulfil all or part of their annual requirement for structured CPD. The programme is available 24 hours a day, can be completed in whatever timeframe suits you and is accessible from anywhere you have internet access.

Access to each topic costs £52 for non-members and £35 for members. Terms and conditions apply.

Register for Online Structured CPD

The programme is delivered via six standalone topics:

  • Topic 1: Pension transfer advice

  • Topic 2: Financial protection 

  • Topic 3: Retirement & pensions 

  • Topic 4: Taxation and trusts 

  • Topic 5: Investment and risk

  • Topic 6: Investments

Each topic comprises:

  • 10–16 hours of structured learning activities including reading, video and audio content.

  • Reflective exercises and testing to provide evidence that learning has been undertaken.

  •  A minimum of six different activities in each topic.

Questions about our professional qualifications?

If you have any questions about our professional qualifications in finance and banking, please contact our customer services team.

Our professional qualification customer services office is open:
Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm UK time.