Woman in yellow shirt looking for best university degrees for older adults UK

LIBF blog The best degrees for older adults

23 February 2024

8 minute read

Pursuing higher education for personal and professional growth

Pursuing higher education as an older adult opens up a world of opportunities, allowing you to:

  • switch careers

  • gain new skills and expand your knowledge

  • achieve your goals no matter what stage of life you're at.

In this article, we'll explore the best degree subjects for older adults, the best study modes (like distance learning) and the benefits of studying later in life. You'll also find information on entry requirements and financial help at the end of this article.

Best degrees for older adults in the UK

If you're exploring undergraduate or postgraduate courses for the first time, or returning to higher education after raising a family, consider your interests, career goals and subjects you're passionate about upskilling in. We've outlined some of the higher education courses we believe are best for older adults below.

Mature university student in library researching entry requirements for higher education business courses.

Business or management

Do you feel like you need help to progress in your current role? Or have you decided it's time to fulfil your lifelong dream of starting your own business?

Progress to the next step by developing your expertise in management principles, leadership, finance, marketing and entrepreneurship. If you're planning on returning to work after raising a family or actively looking for promotion to a management role, a business management course can bring you up-to-date with industry trends, boost your skill set, and equip you with a skillset for a fulfilling role in any industry that aligns with your passions and goals.

Computer science

Are you an IT professional looking to diversify? Are you ready to embrace the tech revolution, rather than waiting to see how it might affect your current role?

Whether you're interested in software development, cyber security, or IT consulting, a degree in computing can provide you with excellent job prospects and the opportunity to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving industry. Studying a computer science degree online, also gives you the opportunity to upskill, in an era when organisations are keen to fill digital skills gaps in the workplace.

With a career already under your belt, your work experience will give you a unique perspective on what the public and organisations need from their software solutions, helping you contribute to innovative problem-solving and creative tech solutions.

Full-time university student in yellow jumper studying a course at home.

Data science

Over the last few decades, data has become integral to decision-making and strategy in almost every industry. Whether your passion lies in finance, healthcare, marketing, technology or elsewhere – the teams working in these industries rely on data to innovate and succeed.

Data analysts and scientists need critical thinking and problem-solving skills to understand complex datasets – two soft skills that you'll have been putting into practice already throughout your career. A degree in data science allows you to combine your existing skills with advanced analytical techniques, preparing you for inspiring and often well-paid roles.

Finance and accounting

If you're interested in financial planning, investment analysis, or corporate finance, you can develop the expertise to analyse financial data and contribute to the success of a business with a degree in finance and accounting.

Every industry needs accountants, auditors and financial analysts. If you've developed a passion for managing your finances or running budgets in a previous role, you'll be perfectly placed to take the next step. On a finance and accounting course, you'll develop a deeper awareness and understanding of financial markets and regulations, opening doors to a wide range of career opportunities in finance, banking, and corporate sectors.

Best study modes for older adults

When it comes to pursuing higher education as an older adult, flexibility is key. That's why distance learning and online courses are great options for mature students with other commitments.

Both study modes offer convenience and accessibility that traditional qualifications taught on campus may not always provide. But there's a difference between the two.

  • Distance learning courses: Remote study with course materials received online, and sometimes through email and physical mail. May include in-person sessions or campus exams.

  • 100% online degrees: Study entirely online with virtual classrooms, webinars, and discussion forums, offering flexibility, convenience, self-paced learning, and 24/7 access to digital resources.

Below are a few reasons we believe distance learning courses and online degrees offer the best study experience for older adults and mature students juggling personal and professional commitments:

Study from anywhere

Distance learning and online degrees allow you to get an education from wherever you are. If you're caring for family or committed to a workplace, this means you can access high-quality degree courses without the need to commute or relocate.

Study when it suits you

Self-paced online courses empower you to craft a unique study schedule so you can learn whenever it suits you. Some distance learning courses offer less freedom if they're not 100% online, so make sure to research how you'll learn when exploring course providers.

Study alongside working

Create a healthy work-study-family balance by studying part-time. Many degree providers offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses that you can study part-time, helping you balance your progress with your existing commitments.

Study while raising a family

While traditional qualifications might require you to attend physical classes at set times, studying online allows you to be there for your children when you need to be, fitting your course seamlessly around your family life.

Everything you need is within your reach
  • Study 100% online: start any day, full or part-time.

  • Become an expert in your field, with career support at every step.

  • Learn from industry experts, backed by 140 years of experience.

  • Access study materials and take exams from anywhere, at any time.

Benefits of studying later in life

Pursuing a degree course as an older adult offers numerous personal and professional benefits. Here are some key advantages that make it a worthwhile investment in your future.

Business man in orange jumper considering universities with flexible entry requirements and access courses.

Personal growth

Studying a degree course as an older adult allows you to continue growing and expanding your horizons. It's an opportunity to explore new subjects, challenge yourself intellectually, and broaden your perspective.

By immersing yourself in academic study, you'll develop critical thinking skills, enhance your problem-solving abilities, and better understand the world around you.

Career advancement

No matter what age you study at, when you earn a degree you demonstrate a commitment to continuous professional development, which can open doors to new career opportunities and advancements. A degree can also increase your earning potential and provide security in today's competitive job market.

Smiling student at kitchen table networking with mature students studying similar courses and qualifications.

Networking opportunities

The more time we dedicate to our families and careers, the fewer opportunities we get to meet others outside our existing circles. However, crafting new professional connections can be valuable for expanding your professional network and accessing mentorship or career guidance.

Studying opens doors to a new community of peers, tutors and alumni that can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and continued learning even after you've completed your course.

Personal achievement

Earning a degree is a significant accomplishment at any age. Still, it can hold even more significant meaning as an older adult. It's an opportunity to prove to yourself and others that you can achieve your goals, regardless of age or background. The sense of personal achievement and fulfilment that comes from completing your course can be life-changing and provide a renewed sense of purpose and confidence.

Take your next step on your path to progress

At LIBF, we understand that education is a lifelong journey. That's why we offer 100% online undergraduate courses and postgraduate courses taught through an engaging virtual learning environment. Our innovative learning technology is mobile-friendly, so you can access everything you need to complete your course from anywhere at any time.

Mother at home with son exploring universities and courses for access to professional development.

We're also dedicated to making education accessible, regardless of your age or background, which is why we support mature students with no previous qualifications.

Whether you're looking to change careers, gain new skills, or expand your knowledge in an area you're passionate about, studying online with us can help you achieve your goals and take your next step forward.

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FAQs about studying as a mature student

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