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Policies and regulations Academic quality

We are committed to assuring the standards of our awards and continually developing the quality of our provision.

Our Quality, Policy and Regulation team is responsible for ensuring we meet the regulatory requirements of our external regulatory bodies which allow us to award qualifications. We work closely with colleagues within the organisation and in the wider educational communities to quality assure and enhance our practice.

Our committees

Academic governance describes the structure put in place to govern how our education programmes work, and is based on best practice principles in commercial, higher education and further education sectors.

Our committees contribute to our academic governance and form an important part of the regulatory framework which governs our qualifications. Our Quality, Policy and Regulation team has responsibility for managing the governance structure, and ensuring that our committee members are informed and engaged with maintaining and improving our academic standards and quality.

If you would like more information, please see the terms of reference for our academic related committees below.

Committee Terms of Reference:

Our HE partners

Collaborative provision is the delivery of our Higher Education (HE) programmes or modules by approved organisations around the UK and the world.

When we have agreements with institutions from the UK and around the world, the details of the arrangements can be found in the Collaborative Provision Register. Proposals for collaborative provision partnerships are considered in accordance with our mission and policy for collaborative provision.

If you are interested in developing collaborative provision partnerships with us, find more information in Chapter 14 of our Code of Practice for Quality Assurance and via our HE Collaborative Provision Handbook.

Our Collaborative Partners

If you’re interested in studying one of our modules or programmes with one of our collaborative partners you'll need to check with the partner to ensure they’re planning to offer the module or programme at the appropriate time.

Programme validation and review

We regularly conduct programme validation and review events for our programmes. These are conducted in line with the policy and procedures set out in Chapter 13 of our Code of Practice.

Any new programme developments take into account external guidelines, such as the QAA's UK Quality Code for Higher Education, the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). This is articulated through the use of programme and module specifications. Approval of new programmes of study may involve the validation of new modules and the approval of modifications to existing modules.

The validation and review panels include external members who have no relationship with us to ensure an external, balanced viewpoint. Programmes are not restricted to a set period of approval but must be reviewed at least once every five years in line with the arrangements set down for programme review. They may be subject to review within that timeframe if agreed by Quality, Policy and Regulation.

View our Programme Validation and Review Schedule