
CeMAP Professional logo licence

CeMAP Professional logo licence

Upon successful completion of our CeMAP® Professional/CeMAP Advanced® application you will receive access to use our CeMAP® Professional logo for a 12 month period. During this time the logo may be used in your marketing, business stationery, on social media or in your email sign off. The following conditions must be adhered to when the logo is used:

  • The logo remains the property of LIBF.

  • You agree not to use the logo in any context which could lead a member of the public or any authority to believe that CeMAP® Professional is a qualification.

  • You agree not to use the logo in any way which might be detrimental to the reputation of LIBF.

  • You agree not to display or use CeMAP® Professional logo as a qualification award or as designatory letters after your name. The award is made in logo form only.

  • You agree not to position or size the logo in a way which distorts its true dimensions, colour or image.

  • You agree not to allow anyone else to use the logo delivered in your Credly account.

  • You agree that we may withdraw permission for continued use of the logo if you no longer meet the CeMAP® Professional criteria or fail to renew your application upon expiry 12 months after issue.

  • You agree that we may withdraw the logo and permission for continued use where we hold you to account in any disciplinary; misconduct or misrepresentation investigations.

This licence permits the holder to display the logo for the period of time the application is approved (12 months) and provided you continue to meet our CeMAP® Professional eligibility criteria.

Permission will cease 12 months after issue, whereupon you will be invited to re-declare your adherence to continued eligibility and our logo licence requirements.

Contact us about your membership

If you have any questions about our membership, please contact our membership team by emailing membership@libf.ac.uk.