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Support with subscriptions

We understand that sometimes our members need support. If your circumstances change we can offer a number of ways in which you can continue with your membership.

Financial Assistance Scheme

If you are experiencing genuine financial difficulty in maintaining your subscription due to ill health or redundancy you can apply for financial assistance.

Apply for Financial Assistance

Career break scheme

We are happy to consider applications from members who are planning to take a career break and want to maintain their membership.

Career breaks are taken for a variety of reasons:

  • Maternity / paternity leave.

  • Full-time care of a dependent relative.

  • Undertake full-time studies to further an individual's career.

  • Special circumstances, after consideration of details provided.

Apply for Career Break Scheme

Retired members

Chartered, Fellow and Associate members who have retired from active business life may apply for Retired Membership Status at half the annual subscription rate. Please note that we are unable to apply discounts retrospectively.

Apply for Retired Membership Status

Questions about our membership?

If you have any questions about LIBF membership, please contact our customer services team.

Our professional qualification customer services office is open:
Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm UK time.