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We're here to support you after you graduate – and throughout your career – with membership and ongoing education.

When you graduate with a degree from LIBF, you join an alumni community of likeminded individuals, keen to share, learn and advance in industry. This network will be a valuable source of contacts, information and advice throughout your career.

Meanwhile, here at LIBF, we’re committed to continue providing you with support – a space where you can receive and give guidance and where you can always learn and grow.

Supporting your career

Banking and finance is an exciting sector because it's always changing and evolving. That means, as a professional in financial services, you'll always need to adapt and update your skills and knowledge.

When you graduate you’ll become an Associate Member of LIBF, which comes with benefits and services to help you progress. As one of our alumni, you’ll also be eligible to apply for Chartered Associateship – a professional designation of distinction.

To acquire Chartered Associateship as one of our alumni, you’ll need to:

  • have at least three years’ experience in the sector

  • have committed to our ethics and values, and

  • maintain your knowledge and skills through continuing professional development (CPD).

Personalised careers support

After you graduate, you’ll also have access to our Careers and Employability Centre for three years.

As well as one-to-one career coaching, job opportunities and access to our network, we offer our graduates career management guidance.

This can be about anything – from critical career decisions, mental preparation for a big presentation or managing situations and challenges at work. Or it may be that you just need to talk.

Our team are available to talk you through the issues you may encounter as you begin your career. We’re all qualified and experienced coaches and can advise on tools and strategies that you might find useful.

Supporting current students

Become a mentor

As one of our alumni you can also support the next generation of bankers by becoming a mentor to one of our undergraduates.

Mentoring is a great way to share your professional expertise and experience and to help a student navigate their career choices. Mentoring is also a very enriching experience so you are likely to benefit too.

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor please email alumni@libf.ac.uk.

Case Study - Ges Ray, a member since 1975

The story of Louise Kiernan

Louise Kiernan was awarded a scholarship in 2015 in her first year of studying a BSc (Hons) in Finance and Accounting for Financial Services at our London campus. She tells us how your donations have helped with her education and her career.

Case Study - Michael Chow, a member since 1975

Questions about our membership?

If you have any questions about LIBF membership, please contact our customer services team.

Our professional qualification customer services office is open:
Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm UK time.